Turner Manufacturing Coffins LTD is an independent family run business in Somerset, We produce the highest quality of veneered and solid coffins.


Unit 3, Bow Bridge, The Marsh, Henstridge, Somerset, BA8 0TF.

Tel: 01963 362 095

Product Description:

Veneered chipboard coffin

Unique Product Features:

High quality

Recommended Carrying Capacity:


Status: approved

This product has passed the FFMA Test Protocol.

Approval Code: 5469-000222

Veneered wood coffin outsized by Turner Manufacturing Coffins LTD

Product Description:

Veneered chipboard coffin

Unique Product Features:

high quality

Recommended Carrying Capacity:


Status: approved

This product has passed the FFMA Test Protocol.

Approval Code: 5469-000223